Welcome and thanks for visiting our site. There are many people who work hard along with me in the U.S and in Liberia to ensure that Bridge Liberia is an exceptional organization, where your donations are distributed to the right individuals.
if you are not already involved with us, we hope you will join us to become part of our organization. My trip to Liberia in 2013 opened my eyes to recognize that too many talented and motivated students are deprived of basic educational necessities such as school books/bags, shoes and uniforms because of their families’ inability to meet the financial obligations of sending the children to school. Thus, the children are denied the opportunity to maximize their potential and cannot compete on a regional or global level for opportunities of employment and social involvement. Many underprivileged children count on this organization to gain an education in Liberia, but one person can not do it alone. The children need us; and we need YOU!. Please help us “Educate a Child/Build a Future” Thanks
Mrs. Rose G. Shannah: Founder & Executive Director
Donawea Towah Seidi Charles Vonleh
Treasurer Secretary
Rev. Jesse Gibson
Alphonso S. Shannah
Lousin Sanor
J Folley Korama
Robert Towah
Rudolph Barjolo
Copyright © 2015. Bridge Liberia Organization Inc
203 Nilsson Street
Brockton, MA 02301
Tel: 617-487-2535
Bridge Liberia
V.O.A Junction Robefield Hwy
Monrovia, Liberia
Telephone: 011-231886-222210
Rhode Island
Telephone: 401-288-8456
CopyRight © 2015. All Rights Reserved. Bridge Liberia is a 501(C) (3) Organization. Website Designed by Mama Africa Productions LLC